My QuickScale Doesn't Work

DO NOT UNINSTALL UNLESS WE ASK YOU TO - It will not reinstall.

For all licences:


Do an update on this page
The keycode is in the email you were sent when you purchased.

The USB works on some pc’s but not others in the same office.
There may be different versions of windows/antivirus etc on the different pc’s. Do an update on the pc where it wont run.

2 Screens

Were you last using 2 screens? Part of QuickScale may be hanging on the 2nd screen.
Close down all screens and restart QuickScale.

Delete the .dat file


Click on the C: drive, then Users etc as this link below.
There is a file called quickscale.dat which is either listed under _qsData, or in the _qsData folder itself.
Only delete quickscale.dat and not the entire _qsData.


Click on the USB drive eg E or F
There is a file called quickscale.dat which is either listed under _qsData, or in the _qsData folder itself
Only delete quickscale.dat and not the entire _qsData

Drive not recognised

If you receive an error message saying that the drive from which you are running QuickScale is not the recognised drive:
Do an update

Chkdsk error on USB

Run the chkdsk = right-click on the USB drive in File Explorer (eg E or F), select Properties, select the Tools tab, click the Check button in the Error checking section.

The errors below will require assistance from our team for which you will need to purchase the support package of £99 per annum per keycode.
The support package is required for licences bought more than 1 year ago.
Support can be purchased from here

If the accept button is greyed out when updating
Email a screenshot of this to [email protected] for assistance.

Update doesn’t find QuickScale
The update should locate your QuickScale and update it.
The keycode will know to look for either a desktop or USB licence:
• Desktop – email a screenshot of the error message to [email protected] for assistance
• USB – see USB not recognised below

USB not recognised
If the USB does not ping when plugged in, try it in a different port or a different pc.
To see if the USB itself is working, try adding a new folder = Right click on the USB drive (E or F etc), select New then select Folder.
If it will add a folder, the USB itself should be working.
If it wont add a folder, the USB may have become corrupt.

Corrupt USB
Email [email protected] with a brief description of what is going wrong with the USB and the attempts taken to correct it.
Send a screenshot of the error message, or the failed update, or the files on the USB and your keycode.
Please obtain a 2GB USB and we will help you move QuickScale to the new USB.
If you do not have the support package and your licence is over 1 year old, there will be an admin fee of £33 for this.
Please purchase on this link and copy and paste your keycode into the delivery instructions section:

Zero-byte PDF
Email the PDFs to [email protected] with a brief description of what is going wrong.

The drawing has errors – errors when opening a drawing
If the drawing is slow to open or if information is missing, double click on the PDF and open it in Adobe, not QuickScale.
If Adobe picks up an error, you will need to obtain a new copy from your client.
If Adobe does not pick up an error, email the PDF’s to [email protected] and we will try to correct them.

Some things you can try yourself:

Try flattening the layers of the drawing
There are many free and simple flattening apps online. Google “flatten pdf free”.

Is the drawing on a server or cloud file?
It should be saved to your pc/desktop before you open it in QuickScale.

Correcting drawing errors – if you have Acrobat Pro X:

1. Open the offending PDF in Acrobat Pro X

2. Choose the following menu sequence: File/Save As.../More Options/Encapsulated PostScript. This generates a file with a .eps file extension. (If the PDF can’t be converted to EPS format then try either (a) PostScript format (.ps extension) of (b) TIFF format. Which-ever one works, the resulting image file should be converted back to PDF. This process is known a ‘re-frying’ a PDF.

3. Close the PDF.

4. Drag the .eps file from File Explorer into Acrobat and then do File/Save As.../PDF... and save the converted .eps file as a PDF document.

Note that this method is NOT recommended for PDFs that have some existing QuickScale measurement data as the data will be lost. But, for ‘unmeasured’ PDFs it usually works fine and is quick.

When downloading or activating QuickScale, the antivirus may block some QuickScale files.
Temporarily disable the antivirus until the download/activation is complete.
If you are unsure how to do this, google “how to temporarily disable [your antivirus name]”.
If your antivirus constantly deletes QuickScale files, add QuickScale to its exclusion list.
If you are unsure how to do this, google “add programs to [your antivirus name] exclusion list”.
Some anti-virus programs are reporting one or more parts of QuickScale as either a trojan or a virus.
QuickScale is NOT a virus/trojan.
Any warning you may get - providing you download QuickScale from our website - is a false-positive.

No Licences Available
This means your QuickScale has already activated and wont activate a second time.

Your company IT security
Check to see if your company has a policy to block USB’s.

Drawing it too large
Please see our Other Services page. There is a free link to extract pages from a multi-page PDF to make a smaller file.

If your QuickScale still wont work, please email [email protected] with your keycode and a brief description of what is going wrong. If your licence is over 1 year old, you will need a support package which can be purchased here